Since March 2020, the U.S. has used its authority under the Title 42 public health law to rapidly expel migrants and, in some cases, suspend the right to seek asylum under U.S. law and international treaty.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under the Trump administration invoked Title 42 shortly after the coronavirus outbreak. Its purpose was to prohibit border control agencies from holding migrants in "congregant settings," like holding stations, where COVID-19 could spread rapidly. In effect, though, Title 42 gave the government the power to rapidly expel any migrant, without giving them an opportunity to make a case for staying in the country legally, including to seek asylum.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Dec. 19 blocked a plan by President Joe Biden’s administration to lift the restrictions on Dec. 21, as ordered by a lower court.

The CDC in April officially rescinded the policy, saying it was "no longer necessary" after "considering current public health conditions and an increased availability of tools to fight COVID-19."


What is Title 42?

The name refers to Title 42 of the U.S. Government Code established July 1, 1944. The law grants federal authorities the power to deny entry of people and products into the country to limit the spread of a communicable disease. 

Before the announcement that the policy would end, Biden had resisted calls from immigrants' rights groups to rescind Title 42 and allow asylum seekers to pursue their claims.

Texas National Guard troops and equipment are deployed along the north bank of the Rio Grande on Dec. 20, 2022.  Personnel using bull horns are advising migrants that crossing at that location is illegal and that they should attempt to cross at a port of entry.


How is Title 42 used at the border?

Border Patrol has applied Title 42 differently in different border regions, depending on the resources available and the demographics of migrant groups. Enforcement of the order also varied under the Trump and Biden administrations.

Under the policy, migrants who cross between ports of entry can be picked up by Border Patrol, processed and expelled — sometimes within hours. Title 42 has been applied both to those migrants who seek to evade border agents as well as those who turn themselves in to Border Patrol to seek asylum.

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Border Patrol's ability to expel unauthorized migrants under Title 42 has been limited by which migrants Mexico is willing to accept, and how many, at different points along the border. The rate of Title 42 expulsions can also be influenced by the demographic makeup of who is crossing where.

Migrants from Mexico, Central American nations, Cuba and Venezuela can be expelled to Mexico under an agreement between the U.S. and Mexico. Others, including Haitians, have been expelled to their countries of origin unless they have legal documents to reside in Mexico, in which case they can be sent back to Mexico.

Border agencies expelled unaccompanied migrant children for a time under the order during the Trump administration, but the Biden administration stopped the practice.

In El Paso, the expulsions have taken the form of Border Patrol walking migrants to the top of an international bridge and instructing them to walk south into Juárez. Lately, migrants had been allowed to cross the Rio Grande and turn themselves into Border Patrol agents. That led to long lines of migrants forming along the north bank of the Rio Grande.

A recently arrived group of migrants from Venezuela rest on the south bank of the Rio Grande in Juárez while they contemplate crossing to El Paso, Texas to seek asylum on Dec. 19, 2022.


How many migrants have been expelled?

Since the start of the Title 42 policy, Border Patrol has expelled migrants more than 2.4 million times, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Borderwide, half of 4.8 million migrant encounters at the Southwest border have resulted in expulsion over the period.

Title 42 allows for quick returns without repercussion, and that has encouraged some migrants to try again and again. Multiple crossings by migrants surged after the order went into effect.

In El Paso, Border Patrol leaned heavily on Title 42, where 63% of Border Patrol encounters have resulted in a Title 42 expulsion over the life of the policy, according to CBP.

More:Homeland Security: Nearly 20K Venezuelans subscribe to 'lawful pathway' pilot program

When will Title 42 end?

The fate of Title 42 remains in limbo after months of legal wrangling. The matter now rests with the U.S. Supreme Court, which halted plans to end Title 42 on Wednesday, Dec. 21, and asked for more information from the Biden administration.

In November, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington, D.C., said the policy's implementation violated federal law and gave the Biden administration until Dec. 21 to end it. Nineteen conservative states, including Texas and Arizona, are trying to intervene and block that decision. The states lost in a federal appeals court on Friday and, on Monday, they took their request up to the Supreme Court.

The legal battle started a year ago, when the ACLU sued the Biden administration to stop applying Title 42 expulsions at the border.

On April 1, the Biden administration announced its plans to rescind the Title 42 order. The policy was to officially end on May 23. 

Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement then that DHS would process migrants according to "standard procedure," placing them in removal proceedings. Those who wish to seek asylum will be afforded an interview with a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services asylum officer.

U.S. District Judge Robert Summerhays on May 20 blocked the administration's plan to lift Title 42 on May 23.